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How much do you know about Churromania®?

If you are someone who likes to surprise others with random facts, or you like to learn new things, National Trivia Day is the perfect day for you. You can enjoy this day with friends or family, sharing our delicious churros while expanding your knowledge in the process.

Robert L Birch of the Puns Corps founded National Trivia Day, the first celebration taking place in 1980, before the debut of the popular board game "Trivial Pursuit." The holiday recognizes disconnected and irrelevant collectors of data, facts, history and quotes each year. While "Trivial Pursuit" is widely believed to have been one of the major turning points in the world of trivia, it is not the first example of trivia as we know it today. “Take it or leave it” was a radio show from the 40s of questions and answers that monopolized the audience. It wasn't long after one of America's most iconic trivia shows hit the screens, "Jeopardy," which first emerged on March 30, 1964. Trivia nights began to become a common feature on university campuses. Later they published "Trivia" (Dell, 1966), the first book to treat trivia in the new and revolutionary sense. This book also achieved a ranking on the New York Times bestseller list. "Trivial Pursuit," created by two men named Chris Haney and Scott Abbott, peaked in 1984, when consumers bought more than 20 million games. It sparked people's fascination with trivia and competition to see who knows the most weird facts about geography, history, art, science, sports, and entertainment.

National Trivia Day can be a great time to spend some family time around the table, quizzing each other and discussing interesting little-known facts. So, what are you waiting for? Order our churros now in our web, hot and crispy, freshly made, or order our CrispyManía® Pre-Fried Churros, to the door of your house, gather with friends, share your favorite churros, enjoy and let the knowledge competition begin! Here are some questions we have for you to get this competition started:

  1. In which country was CHURROMANIA® originated?

  2. How many years ago was it founded?

  3. In how many countries is the franchise present today?

  4. How many stores do we have in the United States?

  5. What are our star products?

  6. How many flavors of topping do we have available in the United States?

  7. What is the undisputed companion of a good churro when it's cold?

  8. Where can you find the new CrispyManía® Pre-fried Churros?

  9. How many delivery options do we have available for you?

Tell us how many questions you got right and tell us in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube and LinkedIn.

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